Horizon Air Pet Policies

Traveling with Pets
Space for pets traveling in the cabin or in the cargo compartment is limited and subject to availability. For air travel on Alaska Airlines, Pen Air and ERA Aviation, please contact Alaska Airlines Reservations at 1-800-ALASKAAIR (1-800-252-7522).

When traveling with your pet in the cabin, the pet is considered your carry-on item. A personal item (e.g. purse, briefcase, laptop) is the only additional item which may be brought onboard. [AMZ asins='B00QHC01C2,B00AAPGA2W,B000633ZOY,B0B77BRG75']

If your travel plans include travel on another airline, please contact the airline directly to reserve space, determine fees and obtain additional information about traveling with your pet on the other airline. Please note that Alaska Airlines does not transfer pets traveling in the baggage compartment to other carriers. Pets must be claimed and rechecked to the connecting carrier.

Reservations for pets are accepted up to 24 hours prior to departure (subject to space availability) for all animals traveling.

Health and Vaccination Requirements
All pets crossing state borders, with the exception of guide dogs, are required by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to have a valid health certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian within 30 days of travel. If an animal is being transported by a breeder, dealer, or research facility, then the health certificate must have been issued within 10 days. All animals crossing state borders to a cold weather destination are required to have a veterinarian's note on the health certificate that they are acclimated to temperatures below 45° F. It is the responsibility of the customer to obtain this certification.

Proof of rabies vaccination is required for animals traveling within the state of Alaska or when traveling across state lines. Proof of Parvo Virus vaccination is required before an animal can be transported to Nome or Kotzebue. Service animals traveling with a passenger are exempt from these certifications, though they are required to be in a working harness that identifies them as a service animal.

Only pets in good health are permitted. Any pet in a kennel too small or in obvious distress due to illness or injury will be refused travel. A Reservation Sales Agent or Customer Service Agent can provide further information about documentation requirements.

Note: For travel to Canada or Mexico, refer to the International Travel section below for additional health and vaccination requirement information.

Fee Summary

Note: Fees indicated are for travel on Alaska Airlines, Pen Air and ERA Aviation. If your itinerary includes travel on another airline, the other airline fee may be assessed. Please check with the other airline for more information.

Pets in the Cabin
Customers must be 18 years or older to travel with pet in the cabin. A customer traveling with a pet may not occupy an emergency exit row seat. The First Class cabin can accommodate a total of one small pet per flight, and the main cabin can accommodate a total of up to five small pets per flight. A customer may travel with a maximum of two carry-on kennels/containers in the main cabin, only when the adjacent seat is purchased by the same customer.

Pets allowed in the passenger cabin are dogs, cats, rabbits, and household birds. Dogs and cats must be at least eight weeks old and must have been fully weaned for at least five days prior to travel. The pet must stay in its container (including head and tail) at all times while onboard, and be stowed under the seat during taxi, takeoff, and landing. Animals with offensive odors or those that create a noise disturbance must travel in the climate-controlled baggage compartment.

Carriers in Cabin - Whether you purchase a carrier from Alaska Airlines or plan to use your own, the USDA and IATA have specific requirements (PDF 289k). We recommend that you obtain an approved carrier in advance of travel as we are unable to guarantee availability of a carrier to purchase from Alaska Airlines at the airport.

Pets must be small enough to fit and stay comfortably in a kennel under the seat.

The following carrier size is accepted on Alaska Airlines for travel in the cabin:

Pets in the Baggage and Cargo Compartments
Alaska Airlines accepts most small domesticated pets. Other pets may be accepted with approval. Pets that may travel in the climate-controlled baggage and cargo compartments include: cats, dogs, ferrets, guinea pigs, hamsters, household birds, non-poisonous reptiles, pot bellied pigs, rabbits, and tropical fish.

The following regulations apply:
Dogs and cats must be at least eight weeks of age and weaned.
No more than one live dog or cat, 6 months of age or older, may be transported in the same kennel.
No more than one live puppy, 8 weeks to 6 months of age, and weighing over 20 lbs, may be transported in the same kennel.
No more than two live puppies or kittens, 8 weeks to 6 months of age, that are of comparable size, and weighing 20 lbs or less each, may be transported in the same kennel.

The health of your pet is important. Due to health risks that could potentially result in the death of the animal, brachycephalic (shortnose) dogs/cats are only accepted for travel at owner's risk and excess valuation is not available. The following is a list of the affected breeds:

Dogs: American Pit Bull, American Staffordshire, Boston Terrier, Brussels Griffin, Bull Mastiff, Bull Terrier, Chow Chow, Dutch Pug, English Bulldog, English Toy Spaniel, French Bulldog, Japanese Boxer, Japanese Spaniel, Pekinese Pug, Shih Tzu, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Terrier, Bulldog, Pug, Boxer.

Cats: Burmese, Exotic, Himalayan, Persian.

Climate-Controlled Baggage Compartment
When you check your pet using this transportation method, you must travel on the same flight(s) to your pet's destination. Check in at least one hour, but no more than two hours before departure. Your pet will be available for pick-up in the baggage claim area approximately 30 minutes after the flight arrives.

If your trip includes a transfer to another flight operated by Alaska Airlines, Horizon Air, SkyWest Flight Series 3450-3499, PenAir, or Era Alaska, we will allow a maximum connection time of four hours for the animal at the connection city.

If your trip includes a transfer to any other airline, you must allow time to pick up your pet in the baggage claim area and re-check your pet with the connecting airline. Alaska Airlines does not transfer pets to other airlines.

If a delay prevents your pet's flight from departing, your pet may be placed in a kennel facility until it can be transported. Costs incurred due to weather-related delays are the responsibility of the pet owner.

Alaska Airlines will accept a pet and carrier combined weight of up to 150 lbs. Should the pet and carrier weigh 151 pounds or more, please contact Air Cargo for assistance and pricing.

Carrier Sizes Accepted by Alaska Airlines
Whether you purchase a carrier from Alaska Airlines or plan to use your own, the USDA and IATA have specific requirements (PDF 289k). We recommend that you obtain an approved carrier in advance of travel as we are unable to guarantee availability of a carrier to purchase from Alaska Airlines at the airport.

Alaska Airlines only accepts non-collapsible kennels when checking a pet in the cargo compartment. In addition, the kennel must:
Be of solid construction, escape proof with securely fastening doors, and able to withstand the rigors of normal transportation.
Not have permanently attached wheels. Detachable wheels must be removed to prevent kennel from rolling during flight.
Allow the animal to standup (head erect and not touching the top), lie down, turn around in a normal, comfortable position.
Contain a food and water dish clipped inside of the door.
Be clean and leak-proof, with absorbent bedding made of material that is safe and non-toxic to the animal.

The following carrier sizes are accepted on Alaska Airlines:

* Extra Large (Size 500) kennels are only accepted on Alaska Airlines flights 001-2999.

Note: Alaska Airlines is unable to accept a carrier larger than a 500 size kennel.

Cargo Options
Cargo is a term used to denote goods or produce being transported generally for commercial gain. It does not include passenger baggage or animals traveling with a passenger.

Transporting Live Animals as Air Freight
Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air provide transportation for live animals as PetStreak Animal Express. Dogs, cats, birds, and other animals (subject to approval) are accepted for transportation.

Petstreak Animal Express is a priority express service that ensures your animals a safe and comfortable journey on Alaska Airlines / Horizon Air. Petstreak shipments must be booked at least 24 hours in advance through the Alaska Airlines Cargo Service Center at 1-800-225-2752. Please see our Petstreak Animal Express brochure (PDF file is 1.6 mb) for more information about shipping live animals.

We comply with U.S. Department of Agriculture and International Air Transport Association regulations for the humane treatment and transportation of animals. All animals are transported in a pressurized and temperature controlled aircraft compartment.

The following detail is required when booking:
Shipper and consignee name, address and phone contact.
Length, width and height dimensions of the kennel

The non-collapsible kennel must:
Be of solid construction, escape proof with securely fastening doors and able to withstand the rigors of normal transportation.
Allow the animal to standup (head erect and not touching the top), lie down, and turn around in a normal, comfortable position.
Contain a food and water dish clipped inside of the door.
Be clean and leak-proof, with absorbent bedding made of material that is safe and non-toxic to the animal.
Alaska Airlines: Not exceed 53 inches in length x 48 inches wide x 34 inches high.
Horizon Air: Not exceed 40 inches in length x 27 inches wide x 30 inches high.

The following regulations apply:
Dogs and cats must be at least eight weeks of age and weaned.
The shipper shall provide applicable health declarations and permits required by authorities of countries of export, transshipment import.
Food and water must be offered within 4 hours of flight departure.
No more than one live dog or cat, 6 months of age or older, may be transported in the same kennel.
No more than one live puppy, 8 weeks to 6 months of age, and weighing over 20 lbs, may be transported in the same kennel.
No more than two live puppies or kittens, 8 weeks to 6 months of age, that are of comparable size, and weighing 20 lbs or less each, may be transported in the same kennel.

Live animals cannot be shipped as PetStreak Animal Express to Mexico on Alaska Airlines. PetStreak Animal Express shipments are transported Airport to Airport service only (Courier pickup / delivery service is not available). Other cities may prohibit live animal shipment during extreme weather seasons. Please refer to our Cargo Station Information for details regarding your specific origin or destination.

Live animal reservations are accepted in advance at a minimum 24 hours, maximum 20 days for online travel and 7 days for interline domestic or international travel. Live Animal bookings are accepted daily from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Animals traveling as cargo must have a health certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian.

Extreme Outdoor Temperatures
Extreme hot and cold temperatures can pose a health risk to pets. In summer, choose early morning or late evening flights. In winter, choose mid-day flights. Whenever possible, book nonstop or direct flights. If temperatures at the origin, destination, or connecting airports exceed certain limits, Alaska Airlines may decline acceptance for the animal's welfare.

International Travel
Travel to Canada: Animals may be accepted for travel via Baggage, Cargo, and Carry-on Baggage provided all regulations are met.

Travel to Mexico: Only dogs and cats may be accepted for travel via Baggage and Carry-on Baggage, provided the following Mexican regulations are met:

All pets traveling to Mexico are required to have a Health Certificate. Pets three months and older are also required to have a rabies vaccination.

The Health Certificate:
Must be issued within ten days of travel
Must be on official printed letterhead with a copy of the veterinary license.
Must indicate the health status of the pet
Description shall match that of the pet (e.g. age, breed, color, sex, etc.)
Must indicate the passenger's name, address origin and destination
Must state the pet has received a preventive parasite treatment or that they are free of internal and external parasites (This may also be indicated on a separate vaccination card.)

Your pet must have been vaccinated against rabies within 12 months prior to entry into Mexico (except for pets less than three months of age), regardless if the vaccination is valid longer in the United States or other foreign country.

No bedding or similar materials are allowed to enter when packed in the kennel with the pet. Shredded paper or absorbent pads are acceptable.

Only enough food for a days travel is acceptable.

Travelers with three or more pets are subject to additional importation fees of approximately 1,600 pesos (approximately 150 USD) as mandated by the SAGARPA (Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock Production, Rural Development, Fishery and Food). Refer to the Senasica website for more information.

The payment can be paid online or at a Mexican bank.

Upon arrival with three or more pets, Customs will direct you to the cargo area where the required commercial importation process takes place. The clearance may require a customs broker.

Alaska Airlines does not accept pets for Cargo or GoldStreak service to and from Mexico.

Sedation is not advised since the effects of tranquilizers on animals at high altitudes are unpredictable. The decision to prescribe a tranquilizer for your pet should be made by your veterinarian.

Animal Relief Areas at Airports
The following is a list of designated areas for animal relief at our airports.

Service and Emotional Support Animals
Service animals and emotional support animals are welcome on Alaska Airlines. To ensure that both you and your service/emotional support animal travel easily and comfortably, please review the following information.

When traveling to Hawaii, there are additional entry requirements which are outlined at the bottom of this page.

If travel includes destinations outside the United States, it is important to note that some countries have restrictions on animals transiting through or destined for their country. A Reservations Agent will be glad to check a specific itinerary for any restrictions that may apply.

Service Animals
There is no additional charge to travel with a working service animal.
Travelers accompanied by a service animal may ship their animal's kennel as a checked bag free of charge.
Properly harnessed service animals may sit at the traveler's feet, unless the service animal is too large and obstructs an aisle or other area used for emergency evacuations.
We will make every attempt to seat a customer traveling with a service animal in a row with the most legroom.
Window seating is also recommended so the service animal is safe from foot traffic.
A harness, tag or vest indicating status as a service animal will be helpful in distinguishing them to airport personnel. However, credible verbal assurance that the animal is providing a service to assist with a disability will suffice, should an inquiry be made.
You can view a list of airport Animal Relief Areas shown above on this page.

A service animal must occupy the traveler's space and can not occupy a seat or obstruct aisles or areas that must remain clear for emergency evacuation. If the service animal does not fit the area available, the Customer Service Agent will:
Find an alternate flight with more room for the traveler and the service animal; or,
If the service animal is not needed during the flight, we will transport the service animal in an owner provided crate in the climate-controlled cargo area of the aircraft. The animal will be immediately returned to the traveler upon deplaning. There is no additional charge for service animals that travel in the cargo area of the aircraft.

Alaska Airlines will accept service animals in training provided ALL of the following conditions are met:
The service animal is being transported by a trainer to the new owner/handler's home.
The trainer can identify the new owner's/handler's name and home city.
The trainer can provide documentation on official letterhead noting the service animal has successfully completed training.

Emotional/Psychiatric Support Animals
A qualified individual with a disability may travel with an emotional/psychiatric support animal in the cabin if certain documentation requirements are met. Prior to boarding, the customer must present to an Alaska Airlines Customer Service Agent current documentation — not more than one year old, on letterhead from a mental health professional or medical doctor who is treating the customer's mental health-related disability stating:
The customer has a mental or emotional disability recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fourth Edition (DSM IV)
The customer needs the emotional support or psychiatric service animal as an accommodation for air travel and/or for activity at the customer's destination
The individual providing the assessment is a licensed mental health professional, and the customer is under his or her professional care AND
The date and type of the mental health professional's or medical doctor's license and the state or other jurisdiction in which it was issued.

All of the above specific criteria must be provided to accept your emotional/psychiatric support animal for travel in the passenger cabin. Advance notice is strongly recommended to ensure all paperwork is in order. Customers traveling with a service animal or an emotional/psychiatric support animal are not permitted to sit in an emergency exit row.

Hawaii Entry Requirements
Guide and Service dogs that meet the State of Hawaii entry requirements may accompany a traveler with a qualified disability to/from Hawaii without quarantine, providing all appropriate steps are followed.

There are restrictions regarding the entry of guide and service dogs into Hawaii and it is strongly advised that all required documents are sent to the Hawaii Department of Agriculture Rabies Quarantine Branch well ahead of your intended arrival date.

It is the responsibility of the customer to contact the Hawaii Department of Agriculture directly for specific details regarding travel with a guide or service dog to Hawaii. They can be contacted via telephone at 808-483-7151 or you may visit their website www.hawaii.gov/hdoa/ai/aqs/guide-service-dogs-entering-hawai-i for more information.

Pet Embargos

Alaska Airlines accepts cats and dogs only for travel to and from Hawaii. Because of Hawaii's unique status as the only rabies-free state, there are additional requirements for travel.

Traveling with Pets to Hawaii
Alaska Airlines' standard pet fees and guidelines apply to travel to and from Hawaii. Additionally, due to Hawaii's unique status as the only rabies-free state, there are strict guidelines and specific programs that must be completed before your pet will be accepted into the State of Hawaii.

Alaska Airlines reserves the right to deny boarding to any pet who has not met the State of Hawaii's animal quarantine requirements.

What You Need to Know To Travel with Your Pet to Hawaii
Hawaii is the only state that is rabies-free. It is important that Hawaii maintain that status. The introduction of rabies would have dire circumstances, not only for public health, but would have an adverse affect on Hawaii's unique eco-system, tourism, as well as local lifestyle.

To prevent rabies from entering the state of Hawaii, the current law requires that dogs and cats complete one of the following programs. Please note that it can take 4 - 10 months to qualify a pet for acceptance into the state.
Rabies 5-day-or-less Quarantine Program
Direct Airport Release at Kona, Lihue, and Kahului Airports
Hawaii Resident Pets
Service/Guide Dogs
Rabies 120-Day Quarantine

The forms and requirements for each of these programs can be found on the State of Hawaii
Department of Agriculture Web site.

Note: Hawaii state law requires that dogs and cats not meeting the requirements of any of the above programs will be quarantined for 120 days. Pet owners are responsible for any fees incurred due to non-compliance with Hawaii's quarantine requirements.

Contact Information
For all questions on Pets to Hawaii requirements contact:
Hawaii Department of Agriculture
Animal Quarantine Station
99-951 Halawa Valley Street
Aiea, Hawaii 96701-5602
(808) 483-7151
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