Aerolineas Argentinas Pet Policies

The transportation of pets, both for domestic animals and wild animals, demands a series of proceedings which have to do with necessary documentation, the fitting-out for the trip and the requisites for the entry to the destination where is travelling.

Taking into account the variety of the rules and the strict fulfilment of the terms and rules (particularly the international ones), we suggest you to initiate the proceedings with enough time in advance. [AMZ asins='B00QHC01C2,B00AAPGA2W,B000633ZOY,B0B77BRG75']

To commence, we advise you to read carefully this guide which may orientate you.

Passengers which wish to travel with their pets will have to dispatch them as accompanied baggage, subject to availability in the hold and under the conditions which are described in this section. We remind you that the booking of the place in the hold must be accomplished up to 48 hours before departure of the flight.

If the pet travels alone (without the passenger, as not accompanied baggage), it will be dispatched as cargo, fulfilling with the same conditions, but channelling all through the section CARGO

Aerolineas Argentinas does not admit the transportation of pets on cabin. The only exception is the transfer of a guide dog, which will be able to travel on cabin, without any charge, as companion of a passenger who, due to a visual disability, blindness or deafness, depending on it or not. The animal will have to be equipped with the adequate muzzle and harness and will not be able to occupy a seat.

For internal flights (within Argentina)

To transport cats and dogs, you will have to show the following documentation:
Certificate of the veterinary of good health and anti rabies one, issued with no more than a week in advance from the departing date.
Corresponding certificates of vaccination.

For regional and internacional flights
Due to the application of restrictive measures for the
transportation of animals to go overseas, firstly, the passenger will have to get information about the compulsory requisites from the Consulate or Embassy of the country to which is travelling.

For more information about requested documentation according to the type of pet, you may contact to International Direct Sales. Telephone Number: 4480-6396/6264.

For more information, please contact Aerolineas Argentinas Call Center in your country.

According resolution SE.NA.SA. No. 1354/94, we reported that pets may only be released from Ezeiza (EZE) as accompanied baggage outward, when passengers present the permit shipment of live animals which will be delivered by the Office of SE.NA.SA. Ezeiza, prior to shipment of the pet in the airport.

Note that, without such permission the passenger can not send pet.

Procedure for obtaining a shipping permit by the passenger:
The passenger must go to the counters of SE.NA.SA. starting at the Airport (Ezeiza) four hours prior to shipment to an inspector of the institution made a finding physical, documentary and read the microchip-if applicable-the animal in question.

The procedure requires that the passenger present:
The International Veterinary Certificate or Export Health Certificate, original and photocopy, granted by Lazaretto Quarantine (Avenida Brasil and Avenida Balbin).
All documentation specific health, vaccinations. required by the destination country, original and photocopy.

The Inspection staff of SE.NA.SA. will deliver the passenger a shipping permit, in triplicate, which enables the passenger to do the check-in with pet. One copy will be left for the frontier post and the passenger must present the original and one copy of the license in the check-in counters.

The animal will have to be transferred in an adequate container-cage, with a waterproof bottom and provided by the passenger. Only one (1) animal will be transfered per container - cage. This container shall have the necessary quality as regards resistance, safety and comfort for the size of the animal, ventilation and a snap that guarantees that it will not open at any moment; otherwise, it will have a safety metallic seal. As regards the trip, it is not provided any type of food or beverage in intermediate stops and they are not even disembarked.


According to Resolution Nbr. 308-2003 of the Agrarian Health Department of Peru, it is prohibited the entry of domestic felines and wild alive animals to Peruvian territory, coming from the following countries:
Germany, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, USA, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic and Switzerland.

Due to said resolution, you must take into account the connections to Lima of passengers coming from the abovementioned countries.

The entry and displacement of dogs and felines to the European Union, with the exception of Great Britain, Ireland and Sweden, countries for which the conditions of entry are even more restrictive, it is ruled by the Regulation (CE) N° 998/2003 of the European Parliament and the European Union Counsel.

Subsequent Regulations and Rules
List of countries and territories - 590/2006
Model of passport for animals - 2003/803/CE
Model of sanitary certificate - 2004/824/CE
Specific Institute for serological proofs - 2000/258/CE
List of authorized laboratories - 2004/244/CE
Measures of protection in front of the bird influenza - 2007/25/CE
The requirements demanded nowadays are the followings :
Age of the Animal: it must not be less than 3 months .
the maximum number of animals which can be transported without being considered commercial entry according to what has been established by the article number 12 of the Regulation (CE) 998/2003, is 5.
Identification of the animal with a tattoo or microchip.
Pets will have to come accompanied by the model of veterinarian certificate or passport according to its species. For more information, please consult with the embassy.
Immunization athwart the rabies of the Argentine Republic.
It is necessary to clarify that the Spanish sanitary authorities do not require the serological proof for the delivery accomplished from Argentina.
For more information please contact the SENASA:
LAZARETTO / CAPITAL Tel. (011) 4307-9720 / 4362-5755
COORDINATION OF FRONTIERS Tel. (011) 4121-5285 / 5098
ANIMAL QUARANTINE BOARD Tel. (011) 4121-5259 / 5260

Once these requisites have been fulfilled, the Quarantine Lazaretto of the SENASA shall extend the International Veterinarian Certificate which permits the exportation of these animals to the European Union, contemplating a minimum time of 3 to 4 months in advance to start the proceedings before the initiation of the trip. It will have to be authenticated by the Consulate of the country to which it is expected to travel.

From overseas, the passengers will have to obtain the International Veterinarian Certificate in their respective Sanitary Organisms, which will be authenticated by the Consulate of the country to which it is expected to travel.

Whichever the country of origin could be, the following procedure shall apply:
The animals will have to comply with the requisites established in the Commission Decision 2007/25/CE dated on January, 13th, 2007, related to determined measures of protection as regards the bird influenza highly pathogenic and to the displacement of birds as companion which come with their owners of the Community;
In this Decision the displacement is authorized complying with one of these options:
Before it exportation they have been submitted to a period of isolation of 30 days in the place of departure in a third country enumerated in the Resolution No. 79/542/CEE.
After its importation in the Member State of destination, it will stay in quarantine during a period of 30 days in authorized facilities according to article 3, section 4, of the Resolution No. 2000/666/CE.
They must have received vaccinations in the last six months and no later than sixty days before their shipment. Besides, at least in one opportunity, it received vaccination anew athwart the bird influenza using a vaccine H5 authorized for the species according to the indications of the manufacturer.
They have been isolated at least 10 days before its exportation and they have been submitted to a proof of detection of antigen or genome H5N1, as it is specified in chapter 02.01.2014 of the Manual of tests of diagnosis and vaccinate for terrestrial animals, performed in a sample collected not before the third day of isolation.
Birds will have to come accompanied by a veterinarian certificate, signed and sealed by an official veterinarian, along with a declaration of the owner or of his/her representative in accordance.
Poultry (according to the definition of the Guidelines 90/539/CEE) will never consider pets.
Other pets
Primates, reptiles and other species Hill come with a veterinarian certificate issued at most ten days in advance. Please consult about the type of certificate through the embassy/consulate.

For more information try to contact to:
Quarantine Lazareto
Brazil Ave. and Balbín St (Costanera Sur area) - Federal Capital
Telephone Numbers: 4361-4632 / 4307-9720 / 4362-5755
E-mail address:
Embassies or Consular Representations of the country of destination of the animal.

According to a governmental disposition for the rabies control, we remind you that the United Kingdom does not permit the entry of pets (dogs, cats) as accompanied baggage from Argentina. It is only permitted its entry as cargo. Important

Nowadays, Aerolíneas Argentinas does not operate with its own aircrafts with final destination in London (LGW). This is the reason why it is not viable the transportation of animals that are alive and of the perishable articles as cargo due to operative reasons and due to the risk you run as consequence of the time of delay that implies the being in transit in the intermediate stop.
Nevertheless, as general information, the requisites for the entry of animals to the United Kingdom are the following:
Pets must be transported in the hold of the plane, in a comfortable container, with water and bringing the corresponding documentation in a box
Veterinarian Certificate and good health.
A blood test with 6 months in advance before the departing date.
Certificate of importation to the United Kingdom. To perform its proceeding you will have to ask the Embassy.
The pet will be at least 6 months in quarantine, with a charge that will pay the passenger. The lodging will have to be confirmed before arriving to the United Kingdom.
For more data, please consult through our pages:

It is permitted the entry of pets only as cargo and not as accompanied baggage.
Every animal which enters the Australian territory requires a permission of importation, which must be requested through the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQUIS).
Besides, the requirements will have to be complied; pets that enter from Argentina will have to stay in quarantine for the period of 30 days.

For more information and/or requests of applications, please contact:
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQUIS).
Telephone Numbers: (61-2) 6272-4454
Fax Number: (61-2) 6273-3110
E-mail address:

The transport of a pet with its owner on the same flight is always regarded as excess

For internal flights (within Argentina)
The excess luggage applied will be per kilo (pet plus cage)

Note: Flights with origin or destination in Tierra del Fuego are exempted from VAT charges, except when there are immediate connections in points in the same province.

For regional and internacional flights
Routes with weight concept

The excess luggage applied will be per kilo (pet plus cage)

Note: -*- Taxes, if applicable, will be added to excess baggage charge and according to destination of travel and point of origin of trip.

Note: -*- For excess luggage on flights departing Lima the local VAT will be added (18 %).

IMPORTANT: For flight that originate in any point in South America and whose final destination is another point within South America, with connexion in Argentina, only one excess luggage charge will apply per each kilo checked in of USD 8.00

Routes with piece concept
Double charge of excess luggage will apply, for each animal and its cage. Consequently the charges will be, according to destination:

Flights FROM Auckland:
The transport of pets, for flights originating in Auckland, is managed through a specialised cargo agent.
Service provider:"Kritta Krates"
contacto telefonico: +64 9 2928789
web: http:/

Flights FROM Sydney:
The transport of pets for flights originating in Sydney, is managed through a specialised cargo agent.

Service provider: "Repworld"
Contacto telefonico: +61 2 92158747

Guide dog will be able to travel on cabin, without any charge, as companion of a passenger who, due to a visual disability, blindness or deafness, depending on it or not. The animal will have to be equipped with the adequate muzzle and harness and will not be able to occupy a seat.
[AMZ asins='B00QHC01C2,B00AAPGA2W,B000633ZOY,B0B77BRG75']